Thursday, April 11, 2013

Beginning Again - My Journey to Augusta

Frank Shorter, 1972 Olympic marathon gold medalist, said "You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming."  

Apparently this does not apply to triathlon, because when I dismounted my bike and began the wobble out of T2 in Ocala, I knew that it would not be my only 70.3 race.  

Two days later, legs still on fire, I was consumed with the thought of registering for another 70.3 this year.  I know it's selfish.  I should be focused on planning our wedding and readying our house for guests this summer, enjoying the hugeness of the life event of marriage and the celebration with our friends and family, not overtaken with Ironman tunnel vision.

I tried to push it aside, hoping that the desire would subside a bit and I would decide that I would, in fact, relax for the remainder of the year and for once, enjoy "doing nothing."  I went to swim class, boot camp, and Running for Brews.  I joined in for a 20 mile bike and a 3 mile run, just because it sounded like fun and I wanted to see my friends.  

As you may have guessed, once an idea forms inside of my head and anchors itself in my heart, there is no stopping me.

My husband-to-be is marvelously supportive.  When I said that I wanted to do another race, he didn't even hesitate before saying "then you should."  I told him the races I was thinking about, and he helped me decide - IM Augusta, on September 29th.  It's relatively close to Florida, I do not have to ship my bike, and most of my tri friends are registered.  Oh, and the swim is down river.  Okay, maybe that was my deciding factor, haha.

Now that I have chosen a race, I am ready to get started with my training.  I am still allowing my body to recover from Ocala, and I am exercising mostly when I feel like it, which is 3-4 days a week.  I am taking the time to enjoy being active while we plan our wedding - only 85 days to go!!!!  We are REALLY, REALLY excited!!!!!!

I do have a time goal in mind for Augusta, but mostly, I want to train hard and go out there and do the best I am capable of that day, and have FUN doing it.  I am looking forward to receiving my training schedule, which I fervently promised to follow this time around.  A few more weeks of unfocused, enjoyable workouts, and then "It's On!"

And so I run.

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