Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gearing up to go long

As I sit at my desk, basking in the last few minutes of my cherished lunch hour, I realized that my marathon training has now reached the point where my long runs are venturing in to double digit territory for what is sure to be the hottest part of the Florida summer.  Last weekend I ran 8 miles, and I was quite proud of myself - I held a 10:30 pace the entire run (thanks to Bob, who kept reigning me back in when my legs started moving at a speed my lungs aren't able to handle), and I felt really good afterwards.  Especially when we got to the picnic tables and learned that Coach Teresa had brought freeze pops!

I find it ironic that the beginning of my long runs coincides perfectly with another "long run" - this weekend I am all set to marry my best friend, the man who makes me a better version of me.  Chad and I are really excited to begin our journey as Mr. & Mrs. and to celebrate with our family and friends.  The really awesome part is that everyone is just as excited as we are for this weekend's festivities!  It is going to be a grand event!!!!!

Not to worry - I am going to get my long run in on Friday, so that I am not stressed out about missing my run on Saturday.  What can I say?  It's marathon season, and I am in training.  You all know how difficult it is to take a week off and bounce back to where you were.  It just doesn't happen.  Besides - no one likes a crabby bride (especially the groom).  

Just a few more hours of work, and then I am off for 8 glorious work days!!!!  My best friend is flying in tomorrow, my sister is coming Thursday, my brother and my friend Leigh Friday, the Conwell families Saturday.  I am looking forward to the midnight run Wednesday with my friends, a possible bike ride Thursday morning with some of the same friends, and the long run Friday morning - again, with most of the same friends.  We are a little nuts-o.

I am looking forward to covering my sweet nephews, Joey and Nolan, with hugs and kisses, to hearing their giggles and seeing their sunshiney smiles.  I am looking forward to catching up with Angela and Collette, to having "boy band night" and laughing for hours.

I am looking forward to spending time with my brother and sister, and with their spouses, all of whom I miss terribly and do not get to see nearly enough.

I am looking forward to seeing lifelong friends, who planned their own summer vacation around our wedding, just so that they were able to attend.

I am looking forward to seeing my running and triathlon friends all dressed up, to sharing yet another part of my journey with each of them, and to one night of letting loose and celebrating marriage, friendship, and the year of IM FL.

Most of all, I am looking forward to sharing my life with Chad.  I am excited for all that life has to hold for us, and I cannot wait to live it one day at a time - all the little moments that will make the tapestry of our life.

And so I run . . . . 


  1. Just no LIMPING down the aisle!

  2. We are not going to recognize each other. Lol! Super excited for this weekend!

  3. i'll be the one in the white dress, hahaha!
