Monday, March 4, 2013


A while back, my friend (and fellow blogger) JC over at Fat Slow Triathlete gave me a product to test and review that he had received.  He thought that it may inadvertently help me with my swimming.  That, my friends, is a whole different blog.  "Ain't no one got time for that" right now.

After a good 3 months away from the pool, I finally mustered enough self-discipline to go to the pool.  I packed my swim gear, complete with my shiny new Aqua Tally.  What is an Aqua Tally, you ask?  GREAT question!  It is a product designed to help swimmers keep track of how many laps they swim in the pool!

This is not me.  This is from the product homepage.

It is simply designed - it resembled an abacus!  It is a small plastic contraption, with suction cups on the bottom (genius!), and a metal rod holding blue and white beads between plastic triangular "bookends."  The product came with instructions, which seems sort of absurd, as anyone with a working eye and half a brain could figure out, but was a nice touch - many manufacturers deem printed instructions a waste of profit, and therefore require users to search high and low in order to simply use the product as intended.

The bar has five sets of (4) blue beads and (1) white bead - online, buyers are able to select different colors and even customize the tallys to team/school colors.  Very neat.

I had decided to employ the KISS method - Keep It Simple, Silly - and decided that each blue bead would represent 50m, and the white beads would represent 100m.

I have to say, I lost count.  In no way was this due to the design or function of the Aqua Tally.  It had everything to do with my fatigue - "did I move the bead already?"

When I climbed out of the pool, I immediately counted the beads and made a note on my log - you know, give or take the 50m my brain was not working.

Over all, I am glad to have this product.  It helps me keep track and stay focused, as well as remind myself that it is time to switch up my drills or add a few extra meters.  I recommend adding this tool to your swim bag - you'll be glad you have it!

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